Dolan Capital Advisors, Inc.


Our Human Nature

When it comes to investing, understanding our natural human tendencies can help us slow down, plan, and make wise decisions.

Short Bursts & Marketing Timing

Over longer investment horizons, small cap stocks have tended to outperform large cap stocks. However, this outperformance may take a decade or more to be noticeable.

The Loss of Daniel Kahneman

Psychologist Daniel Kahneman passed away on March 27th at age 90. Perhaps no other individual had such a pronounced influence on behavioral economics.

The “B” Word…Yep, Budgeting!

In a recent meeting a client asked me what budgeting technique works well for the Dolan Family.

If You Speculate, Set Rules First

Trading in speculative investments can be fun, and having some basic guidelines can be helpful.

Follow the Happy Money

My parents are aging, but their wisdom is showing when it comes to how they spend.