1st Quarter Market Returns

By Ben Dolan
In 2020, Alexa and I had planned to take our twins, Ben and Anna, to Rome to celebrate their 10th birthday. Then Covid hit Italy hard, and we decided to postpone the trip. Before we knew it, the whole world had shut down.
Delaying the trip was a good move, not just due to the Covid outbreak, as we soon realized that our almost 10-year-olds may not have fully appreciated the experience of traveling abroad. Ben and Anna turn 14 this November, have matured a bit (though there is a bit of teen fog, ha!), and we have rescheduled the trip to Rome, but with an extra stop to visit my brother living in the Netherlands.
Excitement for our family trip is not the only reason Italy and the Netherlands have been on my mind lately. 1st Quarter Market returns have been calculated and, despite a very strong showing by the US, which returned 10.02% (as represented by the Russell 3000, see the full Quarterly Market Summary here), we did not lead the way. The highest first quarter returns by country, outpacing the US, were the Netherlands, Italy, Peru, Denmark, Ireland, Turkey, and Taiwan.
Reviewing returns by country is an excellent reminder that the US is not the only opportunity for our capital to provide returns. While I’m bullish on the US going forward (even to the point of overweighting the US above its global market capitalization), I still allocate a good portion of my portfolio to international developed and emerging market countries. Doing so diversifies my portfolio and puts me in a position to capture returns from many markets.
Come November, when we are scheduled to take our trip, markets will look very different. Hopefully still positive, which will make the Amstel and the Peroni taste even better.
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Ben Dolan and Michael Foster are investment advisor representatives of Dolan Capital Advisors, Inc., a SEC-registered investment adviser. Investment advice offered through Dolan Capital Advisors, Inc.